A Showcase for

Catalytic Funding Proposals

About Catalytic Funding

Although Catalyst 2030 is not a funding organisation, it was recognised that the Secretariat should continue to fund nodes – coordinators, chapter coordinators and seed catalytic projects. The project funding is a pilot opportunity for one year. This work must be strategically aligned to the mission of Catalyst 2030 and advance the ambitions of the movement.

Catalytic funding is a small grant given to Catalyst 2030 members who are at the inflection point of scale up of their chapter activities and are in need of funding for a coordinator or for specific systems changing collaborations. This funding is a one-time grant that will help lead to the creation of a country chapter or collaboration.

There were two types of funding members could apply for:

  • Coordinator Funding (max € 10,000)
  • Catalytic Seed Funding (max € 20,000)

Catalytic Funding Proposal Timeline

Invitation to apply

Catalyst 2030 collaborations wanting to apply for funding are invited to fill out a funding application before 30 June 2022.

Open for proposals

Interested groups prepare and submit their funding proposal applications.

Submissions Checked

All proposals are reviewed against the submission 'knock out' criteria. Eligibile funding proposals are listed on a Catalyst 2030 members only website.

Voting and comment

Catalytic Funding Proposals are shared with the Catalyst 2030 membership to review, comment on and vote via the website.

General Assembly presentation

Catalytic Funding Proposals are presented to get a "sense check" by members at the General Assembly.

Successful applicants announced

The final decision is taken by the Funding Committee and the Secretariat announces the collaborations receiving Catalytic Funding.

Rollout of grants